All Art

Original Music. Polaroids. Writings. All Art.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Polaroid Series

This has been my favorite one by far. It looks like it was taken in the 80's and has this feel like you might see some teens from the cosby show walkin by. I used to want to shoot a seen here for a film I wrote called The Bike Rider. I still have that script somewhere. Never got around to actually doin it though. It was a pretty good story I thought. It centered around this one kid who for his 16th birthday receives a bike instead of a car. Maybe I'll post the script up one day. Oh but anyway it was taken right next to the entrance to the Hoover Public Library.

Polaroid Series

This is a picture of my oldest brother. Probably taken around midnight. He's been living at home for a while trying to get into law school. He's now enrolled in Denver Law and is gonna be headin there in August. This is Alex's spot. I think Ill always have this memory in my head. Right outside the garage door next to the retaining wall. He looks pretty cool. And thats my shirt he's wearing. We were both happy about how the picture turned out.

Polaroid Series

This is a picture of a secret stairwell i found near the hoover public library. It leads to the lower offices of the Hoover Municipal Center. The stairwell led down down and down to its ominous bottom floor where lonely roller chairs and obsolete computers sat to collect dust and roaches.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

and THEN I won 50 bucks!!!

Hey guess what everybody! I received a check in the mail yesterday! For the previously stated amount. It turns out that I won 2nd plce in a poetry contest. Now I know what you are thinking. "Did you copy it off the internet?" and the answer is...not exactly. We had a project in Mr. Carter's creative writing class to write a response poem. I chose a poem by Wendell Berry and we were instructed to use the form to write a new poem in response. I guess the judges liked it because they said, "Blah blah blah something tangible...keep writing blah blah." I don't know if this is good thing. I mean money is always a good thing, but contests. I feel as though when judges judge teenage poetry they just look for something that doesn't suck and that day i sucked the least. So "great job, son. thanks for not talking about love or having your last named changed or death." I'm thinkin about blowin all the money on something big.
Things you can buy for $50:
Acoustic Guitar
this totally sweet lantern, tv, flashlight, radio thing
49 junoir bacon cheeseburgers
Polaroid 600 film (I recently made this purchase)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Vanilla Sky Opening

This is one of my favorite scenes of any movie...and not because Tom Cruise is in it.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Hollow Men

Here is my new film project. This is a visual representation of The Hollow Men by T.S. Eliot. It stars Preston Calhoun and Chris Adams. Also one of my eyes makes an appearance.

The Hollow Men from William Mason on Vimeo.