Here is a painting by Mark Rothko. I saw one of his paintings in the film Following by Christopher Nolan. I didn't understand what was so great about it, but in reality its freaking huge.
This is a short film that i wrote, filmed, directed, and scored.
Cast: Hannah Waid as Female Ben Watson as Male
Further Analysis: This film is about reading someone else's journal. It was filmed in black and white to give the feeling of reading a page of a written journal. Black pen on white paper. The non linear flow and segmented sections are meant to be abrupt yet descriptive. This is to also signify a journal. If you had found someone else's journal, it wouldn't be explained, and it might sound a little creepy. The orange falling of the table is a metaphor for the following action. The male following the female is meant to represent a love. I descriptive love from a distance. As if the female were being followed as shown in the film. This was completely an art piece that was written from a journal I had been keeping. Please enjoy.