All Art

Original Music. Polaroids. Writings. All Art.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I just bought some things on amazon that I'm excited about. You'll probably be jealous and want the same things if you are anything like me.
I pre-ordered Beach House's new cd "Teen Dream" it comes with a dvd that has a music video for each song on the album! I'm totally stokes! That should get here on Tuesday, January 26th.
Next I purchased a clear cover for my cell phone and a car charger (necessities) I will soon drop my cell phone and think, "wow! could call, william!" in which case I'll air high five myself which will look like me clapping my hands to anyone on the street. Or it could look like I'm killing a wasp in front of my face.
And maybe one day my sweet sweet phone will all of a sudden become empty of battery and I'll have my charger right there in my car to charge it!
The final object that I just purchased was a capo for my guitar. That way I can play those songs that are octives higher like Follow You into The Dark or Will You Return or Oh love that will not let me go. Or I Love the Rain the Most. Or any song by Joe Purdy for that matter.
I can't imagine why you would care about any of this but its important to me so. You know that feeling you get just waiting day after day for you online goodies to arrive in the mail? Its like waiting for christmas, only the date it comes is all general and not specific. You try to track it but that never helps because it could really get there on any day. And it always comes one day later than you expect it. You look on your front porch and see nothing. But when you least expect it it appears as if it had been sitting there all along.

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