All Art

Original Music. Polaroids. Writings. All Art.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Local Observations

  • As black dudes short's get longer and lower, white dude's shorts get shorter and shorter.
  • The more Birkenstocks go out of style, the more happy it makes me when I see people wearing them.
  • The more people that get mad about other people thinking that they are indie, the more I want to blow up my face.
  • The fact that your movie is 3-D and costs more is double the incentive to not go.
  • You're a douche because you have a bike.
  • T. Bass brought up an excellent point about detachment. His goal is to be so detached from his own experiences and opinions that one day he will be able to judge a situation completely unbiasedly.

Monday, August 23, 2010

New hit single "Love Like a Dragon"

Recently recorded underneath my new bed comes a new track to add to the DJ LaZaR collection. The last hit single "The Coolest Dad" was credited to Charles Martel but was in fact recorded by DJ LaZaR. Hope yall enjoy the futuristic take on love and its poppy technoness.

Theres blood like a fight wound
Pouring Down my knuckles clinch
And me like a tight end
Running towards the evil ditch

Hounds like a lion
Clawing up on my front door
And kids like the pylons
Falling over more and more

Love like a dragon
Breathing fire as it moves
With one like a llion
Beasting all that it behooves

Polaroids "College"

Here is my desk lamp very weakly illuminating my wall and the black and white print of Chicago's wrigley field.

Friday, August 20, 2010

E.E. Cummings "Old Age Sticks"

old age sticks
up Keep
youth yanks them
cries No
youth laughs
old age
scolds Forbid
den Stop
n't Don't
&)youth goes
right on
owing old *

e. e. cummings

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mirror "Polaroids" Last

This is the final picture I took with my 2nd roll of polaroid film. This was also the last night I got to spend time with Rosie before she moved away and began her college career. Also more fun facts, right around this time I was turning 19. My birthday had some sadness, but I knew as things always do it would turn around. I used my final picture to "indie" you guys right on off! Total art shot reflection in the mirror. This picture marks the end of my old life. No more living at home. No more driving the same roads. This is the end of the polaroid memorium. I'm getting more film, but now its a rebirth. A new start. NEW DAY RISING by Hüsker Dü

Friday, August 13, 2010

Mad Men

I've recently become a huge fan of Mad Men the AMC series of the 1950s Madison Avenue Ad agency Sterling Cooper. It pays amazing homage to the time period. It has one of the best actors I think out there right now. John Ham! Money in the bank. The show takes you back to a time when everyone smoked and drank during work. All the men had secretaries that acted more like waitresses. Its a wonderful show. I suggest all see it.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

All Art sounds like ...

All Art = Paul Blart. I don't want you associate these things with each other. EVER!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Important Blogger Buzz! Pirate House Inc. Multimedia Blog Fantastical!

Is anyone out there tired, tired of stupid stuff? Stuff that in your opinion is not worth your time?Stuff thats written way past not only your attention span but also your interested-in span? Yeah, well me to! Sometimes there are just too many hours in the day and I need there to be more internet for me to look at! Not only more, but also interesting! I think I've found the cure.
This pretentious blog has more musical superficiality then you can say you're better than. Visit it for mp3s by bands you've never heard of. In fact the bands on this blog have all the same people in them. HOW INDIE! I know right. Don't even think about bringing this up in conversation cause you'll get more than a few side glances from unbelievers and non hipsters. Enjoy hours of skinny jean branding, and faux rayban rockin on this smaller than life MUSICAL BLOG!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Haikus Best of

Here are some Haikus I've been working on. Its very important to me that Haikus come in threes.


Summer as sexy is

Warmth around the edges of youth

Laying here all day

People fade their ways

Running with no end in sight.

Looking back kills me.

Under my bedroom

On these old piano keys

There is blood here now

"Shep the Wonderdog!" Polaroids

This is a picture of the afternoon before my birthday bash! That is my aunt's dog, a German shepherd mixed with a basset hound. Yeah, I know right, such a normal and mundane breed. From this shot you can't see its abnormally huge head attached to its short saggy body. He was resting on a rock, and I thought it was a grand opportunity to take a polaroid. My grandmother lives in the house behind him amongst the woods. I've always liked going to her house. The directions do not take you over the river, but they do lead you right through the woods. I'm sure everyone who came to my party could attest to that. I wish that I had gotten a picture of the huge dance we got goin. It was absolutely mind blowing. Glow sticks, tikki torches, and loud music. I hope thats one memory people take with them for rest of their life. That last party before college.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Old People

All old people want is just a huge window to stare out of. (This picture was taken where I work)