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Monday, October 11, 2010

New Nerf Gun Bloody Thumb

Here is a picture of my brand new N-Strike Maverick Nerf Gun. Yeah, I know its a revolver. And yes I do play nerf roulette, which is when I load one dart, spin the barrel, and take my chances by placing the gun against my head. So far i've died like 14 NERF deaths.
You may be wondering why I purchased such an awesome weapon. Besides the fact that it looks cool and holding a gun makes me feel more like a man, I got it for UA Humans Vs. Zombies. My roomate, Bryan Herren, has brought an incredible game to t-town.
This game is played over the course of a week and could last forever. Essentially the game stars with one zombie and everyone else playing is a human. The zombie is trying to turn all the humans into zombies. In order to do that the zombie just has to tag a human. The way a human protects himself is by stunning a zombie. This stunning lasts for 15 minutes and can be achieved by throwing a sock on a zombie or by, YES YOU GUESSED IT, shooting them with a nerf gun. The game lasts until all the humans are turned into zombies. But Zombies can die if they don't tag a human every 48 hours. The game is run out of this website.
All buildings are safe zones and there are missions for the humans to complete so that the humans don't hide out in there rooms for weeks on end.
Here is some video footage of the Original Humans vs. Zombies at Groucher College

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