All Art

Original Music. Polaroids. Writings. All Art.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Polaroid Series

This is a picture of my garage. This is where the music fusion happens. In the shot you can see some guitars, a bass drum with a blanket over it, a rocking chair, a computer, and my piano.
That piano used to belong in the basement under the steps of my high school. One day when me and my fellow band mate Benjamin were playing on it, the school's janitor called down the steps, "Hey what you doing down there?!" We were terrified and almost ran away. But we replied honestly that we were just playing the piano. He then asked, "You want it?!" I could hardly believe this. The school janitor was gonna give me a piano? How would I even get it out of the school? But no worries he said they would deliever it. Can you freakin believe that? Free Piano. And delievery. It was a wonderful day and that sparked my interest for the piano. I have been playin it ever since.

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